Mentorship Program
Mentorship Program
Mentorship is a personal developmental relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person.
her VOICE is dedicated to providing support and empowerment for survivors of Intimate Partner Violence/Domestic Violence by matching recent survivors with women who have been recovering from their abusive relationship for a longer period of time. The mentorship relationship would require a 1 year commitment for both mentors and mentees. Matches would be made based on several criteria to create the best fit. Match support will be provided by her VOICE.
Mentor qualifications
A woman who meets the following qualifications could become a mentor in her VOICE:
- Be at least 21 years of age
- Have experienced an abusive relationship with a partner that was either verbally, physically, sexually, or emotionally abusive at some point in your life
- Received treatment for this abuse
- Have been separated from the abusive relationship and in recovery for 2 years or more
- Be willing to commit to a 1 year mentorship relationship with a recent survivor mentee
- Be willing to commit to completing her VOICE mentor orientation and training program
- Successfully complete enrollment process including assessments, background check, recommendations/referrals.
Mentee qualifications
A woman who meets the following qualifications could become a mentee in her VOICE:
- Be at least 21 years of age
- Have experienced an abusive relationship with a partner that was either verbally, physically, sexually, or emotionally abusive at some point in your life
- Received treatment for this abuse in either a shelter program or an outpatient treatment program
- Has been separated from this abusive relationship for at least 3 months but no more than 2 years
- Be willing to commit to a 1 year mentorship relationship with a mentor
- Be willing to commit to completing her VOICE mentee orientation and training program
- Successfully complete enrollment process including assessments, recommendations/referral
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